China: The Long March 9 and Long Term Planning

President Kennedy Addresses Congress May 25, 1961
(Photo from NASA Commons on Flickr)

China plans to use a new super heavy-lift rocket currently under development to construct a massive space-based solar power station in geostationary orbit.

by Andrew Jones in June 28, 2021 Space News

The American four-year political cycle dissipates tremendous amounts of energy and opportunity like so much waste heat. Right, wrong or indifferent, when the first acts of every new administration are to undo the efforts of the previous administration in some made-for-television show of power and bravado, truly important projects like space-based solar power (SBSP), which require long-term planning and commitment, may literally never get off the ground for the citizens of the United States.

Without the authority to enter into international treaties, the private sector probably can’t implement SBSP on its own. Without the incentive to plan and execute outside of the four-year political cycle, the government probably can’t implement SBSP on it’s own.

Does logic suggest that a public-private partnership will be required to develop and implement SBSP for Americans? Do we have to rely on Congress to create that partnership? Spurring Congress to that meaningful action might fall on the shoulders of all Citizens for Space Based Solar Power.

Read the full Space News article:
China’s super heavy rocket to construct space-based solar power station

One thought on “China: The Long March 9 and Long Term Planning”

  1. The other alternative would be to wait till the Chinese build power satellites and buy some.


    PS. This subject is also being discussed on the Google Group Power Satellite Economics.

    On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 7:02 AM Citizens for Space Based Solar Power

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